Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Finding the Sacred in the Secular Part 1

In a recent post I mentioned how I love to find the sacred in the secular and use it as a tool in ministry. So, I decided to do a little searching and share some unorthodox methods that churches and Christians are using to share the gospel...

Today I am sharing media clips based on an everyday household product... Shout Stain Removal... check it out...

I'll be sharing more on this topic in the next week or two... please feel free to send me your own contributions. What are you or your church doing to share the Gospel in a real and relevant way?

Love & Blessings,


Tarasview said...

those are great!

one way I tried to be relevant with youth group kids is I asked them to bring in their favourite music and pick one song for us to look at. I did several over several weeks. The words to the song were printed out. These were usually secular songs. And I let them choose whatever song they wanted to do. Then I asked three questions that they answered in small groups. 1. what is RIGHT in this song? 2. what is WRONG in this song? 3. what lesson can we learn from this song?

The kids really liked that series.

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite books of all time is "Walking on Water" by Madeline L'Engle. It was required reading for all theatre majors at my was all about reconciling your faith with your art. It contains some of my favorite quotes, including...wait for it..."There is nothing so secular that it cannot be sacred." She goes on to say that if we fail to find God in the simple, everyday "secular" things, that we are going to miss Him in the "obviously" sacred."