Tuesday, May 01, 2007

The Proof of Desire is in the Pursuit

“By perseverance the snail reached the ark.”~ Charles Spurgeon

Life has a way of sneaking up on you. One minute you are counting the days until you reach adulthood. Dreams about driving fast cars, living with your best friends, and having no one tell you what to do are first and foremost on your top ten list!

The next thing you know reality hits! Life is HARD! Oh, the days of sleeping in and having parents pay all of the bills taunted you as you wore that fancy hairnet required by the fast food establishment that paid you a fascinating minimum wage! Oh, those were the days! NOT!

Those days are what propelled me into wanting more. They reminded me of my REAL dreams and desires. My yearning for something better awoke the destiny inside of me. Times of being sick and tired of asking, "Would you like fries with that?" provoked me to persevere and move forward.

I married young and had my first daughter by the time I was 21. Still, something in me refused to settle for anything less than God's best for me. I worked a full time job, did lay ministry and saw my husband through college. My motto was Jeremiah 29:11, I was not going to give up. At the age of 27, I was a mother of three, worked fulltime for the Corps of Engineers, was on the Ministry Team with my husband at our church, and I was going back to college!

I worked diligently, I studied hard and I persevered! Each day my desire for ministry grew more and more. I ministered in whatever capacity I could. I learned to turn a deaf ear to those who didn't believe in me, and I continued to work toward my goal, becoming an ordained minister of the Gospel. In 2004, I was ordained.

Just as that snail persevered and made its way to the ark, I, too fixed my eyes on the prize and made it! As my Pastor always says, "The proof of desire is in the pursuit!"


Denise said...

I enjoyed your thoughts on this quote.

Nise' said...

Thanks for sharing. That is my mantra to my kids..."when life hits" to help them understand their relationship with Jesus is the MOST important thing!

eph2810 said...

You are right -- we can pursue so many things, but at the end only one thing matters - our relationship with Jesus. How cool that you are an ordained minister. I always wanted to do full-time ministry...maybe one day the Lord with reopen some doors.

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this week's IOW quote.

Blessings to you and yours.