Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Aha! She's alive! Oh yes... and well. Well? Perhaps, "okay" is a better word. Really though, I am just inundated with the temptation to feel completely overwhelmed! Why? I should be feeling great. Summer camp is over and by most reviews was a tremendous success! School has started so my girls are all (except the two youngest) in school. I am supposed to be enrolling for our pre-k academy- but something is holding me back. I am having a very difficult time zoning in on the ministry here right now. I feel a transition occurring- and I know it is God- but I am working so hard NOT to resist this "transition" that I sense I just may be resisting His effort to move on my behalf.

I preached three weeks ago on "The Price of Rain"and much of the message had to do with being in "transition"- or in the midst of a spiritual "famine." My text was taken from I Kings 20- where Elijah came back on the scene after prophesying to Ahab that it would not rain for quite some time and things got pretty bad for three years and Elijah had to hide! People were out to get him... anyway, he came back on the scene and despite the situation at hand, he stood, obeyed God, and proved God is THE God to all the land. However, there are a few keys we can pick up here: 1.) Obey HIS voice, move when He says move! 2.) Hear HIS voice and don't be afraid to speak, despite the look of things in the natural. 3.) Be bold !

I am believing and am determined to apply these keys to my life! I just have to stay the course, stay at the river and rely on the ravens until He says, "GO!"

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