Monday, January 26, 2009

Gimme a Break!

So this morning I wake up and turn on the news so I can catch the weather before leaving for the office, and I cannot believe the the depths some people have sunk to in an effort to commercialize our new President. I will be the first to admit that President Obama was not "my" candidate, however, as a Christian understanding the importance of giving honor where it is due, I respect and honor our President. That, along with the fact that I am an American citizen is why I am so disgusted by the commercial for the Chia Pet Obama Head...

Yep, that's right, for $20 you can be the proud owner of the head of our nation's 44th President, the first African American President at that, molded from ceramic clay and sprinkled with some sort of grass seed that will grow an Afro on his head that you can trim in the privacy of your own home!

For some reason that irritated me, rubbed me wrong, I don't know. I suppose that OVER commercializing an office, a position that deserves dignity and respect is not something to be proud of. Even Michelle Obama was miffed at her daughters' images being used by Ty to make dolls. Where is the line??

I got a little curious and started looking around the web for more "odd" representations of President Obama... check it out...

So, if you are in the market for a pet bowl, gym shoes, apron, wall clock or have a hankering for chocolate... you're in luck.... there's Obama-bilia for every occasion... pet bowls....???? Seriously, haven't we gone a little too far????


Sarah Bee said...

I'm with you on this one! Where has the respect gone? Where is the line? Unfortunately...many people won't ever find it.

Dr. Deanna DossShrodes said...

I almost spit out my iced tea.....

Melissa Davis said...

Wow, didnt know that it has gone this far! It's said that so many are taking this opportunity to "MAKE MONEY", there is no respect just marketing!