Sunday, September 14, 2008

In a Word....

Exhausting day... I'll follow up tomorrow and yes Deanna... I'll call you!

Thank you ALL for your prayers, emails and calls... you'll never know what they have meant to us!


Dr. Deanna DossShrodes said...

Girl, you were on my mind all day. I got your message before church this morning. I sent out a tweet to ask everybody on Twitter to pray for you. We are praying down the power for you here in Tampa! Victory is at hand! I've sent the word out to everybody I know, especially in the A/G network to pray for you guys! You've got an army of intercessors pulling for you.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the confirmation Tara , we are in the most pivital time in the history of christiandom. Not only are the politcal parties jumping the fences and making history , but so should the saints be prepared for sinners to be ready to change sides as well.The bible said to be ready with a word or answer.The harvest is ready and so must we believers .Even as we encounter economic down falls God is on the rise.Believers must be ready to pray for the least expected of people, and unusal kinds.If one thing that unite and make people one and come together is disater.Now is the time to worship, now is the harvest ripe.I ask what makes a different between a believer and a sinner , faith in God.This is our moment to shine, that is the light of the world Jesus. Jesus is the way, let's help sinners transition over, prayer , counseling , edification and motivation.The whole creation is waiting on the son's of God.Who are the son's the mature believers siege the oppurtunity to pray for some one and out reach , people are desperate and ready for help.Speaking of coaches yes we are co-labors in christ. This is our time, arise.Job situation changed only when he prayed for others , then will provision show up.Pro means before, run ahead with your vision.The means will show up!

Stead Fast with the commission.
