Tuesday, November 06, 2007

In Other Words

"In our lives the darkest times, the days that are bleak and black, add depth to every other experience. Like the dark bits of color in a mosaic, they add the contrast and shadows that give beauty to the whole, but they are just a small part of the big picture."

~ Amy Grant~
Mosaic: Pieces of My Life so Far

I know someone that others refer to as a "roadblock." As nice a guy as he is, he has an uncanny ability to focus on the little things that in the grand scheme of things really won't make a difference.

I've been thinking about him lately and I came to a conclusion. He does this beca
use that is how he feels he is portrayed. A little thing that doesn't make a difference.

He's wrong you know. He is making a difference whether positive or negative, it is just that it is up to him which it will be. He chooses to separate himself and create problems.

Instead of contributing to the big picture which will weave the good, the bad and the ugly together leaving a beautiful tapestry, his threads stand alone lacking purpose.

Taking my cue from our quote today I will do my best to allow every part of my life to be intertwined with the big picture that will be my destiny discovered... fulfilled.

Visit more In Other Words contributors at http://www.extravagantgrace.net/...

Love & Blessings,


Denise said...

Bless you dear one.

Lisa said...

What a great perspective on this quote. Thanks so much for participate in IOW! It was a blessing to have you join in.

Thanks, too, for sharing the links in your following post. What a thrill to be used by the Lord to encourage others!

Blessings, extravagantly!

Melissa said...

Submission to God and his will allows us to become the person we are meant to be. . .

Great job! I enjoyed your take on this weeks quote!