Enter Shug Avery. Yep, for those of you who have not seen the movie, Celie's husband brings home a pitifully drunk Shug Avery and basically leaves her to be catered to by his wife, Celie. (Ha! Try that in 2007- I believe only one woman would have been left standing on that front porch! ) Anyway, Shug takes one look at Celie and says, "You sure is ugly!" and then she breaks into laughter! Still, the ever insecure Celie helps her up the stairs (I would have helped her down!) and takes care of the woman who holds the secret to her husband's heart. A little later, Shug decides to help Celie out a little in the looks department, she dolls her up, yet Celie lacked the confidence that came so natural to Shug. So Shug looked at her and said, "Come on, shake your shimmy!"-
Which brings me to the topic of this post! (See, I am going somewhere!)
This may not seem like some "powerful prophetic revelation," but really it is (thanks Pastor Ray for dropping this in my spirit a few weeks ago!). You see, God's given us all a "shimmy" to shake. Shaking your shimmy (in a spiritual sense) is walking confidently in who God has called you to be. It is unashamedly being obedient and fulfilling His destiny for your life.
The problem is, many of us ask more like Celie. We allow our past, our hurts, our insecurities, and fear to keep us shuffling our feet afraid to even lift our heads. We allow unrealistic expectations and the opinions of those who have their own issues to hold us back! Or many times, we hold our own selves back because we feel we lack the potential to have any sort of shimmy at all!
I want to challenge you today to lift up your head and shake your shimmy! Wear your potential proudly, and if it is awkward, still, keep it up and trust in Him. You'll grow into every bit of potential and ability He has placed within you! So go on, shake your shimmy!
Great post! I love finding analogies out of films ! So many people look at me like I'm crazy -"That's not a Christian movie!" Grrr...I think they miss ALOT of very profound lessons - like shaking your 'shimmy'. Thanks for making my day. Gonna go out do some shaking...
I so needed this one today!! I'm gonna shake my shimmy all the way there!! Thanks so much for your encouragement, it may not intentionally be for me, but God is using it to bless me, as you always have!! I Love you and miss you so much!! Christy
Love the analogy!
Great post, Tara! I am sorry to say that I've never seen the movie, but I love the scene you described. I need to shake my shimmy this week!!
You are right, people need to keep their head up and shake their shimmy!
teeth whiteners
Awesome analogy! Living proof that if you look for God, you will find Him...
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