Honestly, I feel like screaming every time I see the chaos (my interpretation) in my house, car, etc. I know it is not as bad as it seems (to me anyway), but I am losing my mind! I have to connect with that organized person that used to reside within me!
My mornings are absolutely ridiculous! We are running later and later. The kids have actually been late for school twice this week! I HAVE to get it together!
So, I am going to make some resolutions (yep right here at the end of March), to organize my life, family & home!
I have done a little researching too. Practical researching- because honestly, I have all of the books- and well, now the books need organizing too! Back to what I was saying, I have researched and found answers right here on the web from fellow bloggers.
One thing I am reading like crazy is Rocks in My Dryer’s “Works for Me Wednesday”. And after I find something that will work for me too, I am going to do it right away! Another place I am frequenting is I’m An Organizing Junkie! She is also doing a 30 Day Organizational Challenge and I plan to jump on that bandwagon as well. I am also considering the Menu Plan Monday. I’m checking out The Lazy Organizer too.
Yea! I am finding practical tools and advice! As I venture on my new project… I will update my blog with my progress on Mondays. (Uh-oh, another commitment!) I am determined to get out of this rut!
Wow. You go girl! I have all but given up on ever getting organized again and I only have 3 kids!
I'll try my best! Pray for me!
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