Saturday, January 03, 2009

Sublime in 09

20060112000555_overflowEvery year I sit down and assess the year that is ending. Last year, I mapped out a ridiculously long list of goals and initiatives that I knew I would never be able to complete however my thought was, "Aim high Tara... and see what you can accomplish." Well, I aimed high and I did indeed accomplish about 50% of my list. Great, right?

Instead though, as I ponder the year I find myself reflecting on feelings of extreme dissatisfaction. There are things that are lacking in my life. I am feeling so far from satisfied and further away from content. Although I had crossed off many of the items on my list, there are areas in my life, in my family that are lacking. So, I began to seek God. As I did, He began to speak to me and direct me. As I listened, He began to give me crystal clear direction concerning, not a to do list, instead a way to see long term improvement in some areas that had been overlooked, or not focused on enough.

First, He asked me, "Tara, what three areas are lacking the most?" After actually very little thought and meditation, I had my three. Order in my Household, Release of Intense of Fire of God in Me, and Writing Unleashed at a New Level.

I poured them out to the Lord and He then spoke again. Simply, yet firmly He showed me how each of these tings would feed into the other. Where order was concerned, priority, organization, discipline and consistency would be required. With order conquered, I would be able to focus even more on seeking the face of God and fanning His fire in my life which would pour out through the ministry He does through me so I can set the world on fire for Him! With order and the Fire of God on my life, the anointing to write on a new level would undoubtedly be released!

I began to thank the Lord for pouring out HIS blueprint for my own personal growth in 2009. I am diligently working on a plan to track the progress of these three areas throughout the year. Without a doubt, as I pray, obey and focus on HIS blueprint (through HIS Word and HIS words to me!) MY LATTER (what is to come in '09 and beyond) WILL BE GREATER THAN MY PAST! OVERFLOW in MY LIFE!

There is also a HUGE God ordained focus Craig and I will zone in on in '09 as well, a new ministry! However, I can also see how all three of my personal growth goals will add and fuel our new assignment.

What three areas of your life does God desire to zero in on in 2009? Have you been feeling pulled to focus on a particular area? Seek Him, He will direct you and give you a blueprint to a better YOU for HIM and those He has placed in your LIFE in 2009! I declare to you that your latter will be MUCH greater than your past!

There is a "Part 2" to "Sublime in 09"... I will be challenging YOU to do something! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Jules said...

Thank you for sharing this! I loved hearing how the Lord spoke to you about order in your life! That is what I feel HE has been saying to me lately. I just feel unorganized and cluttered and I hate that feeling. God has shown me some crap in my life that I need to purge! Don't you LOVE it when He does that?! :)

Anyway, just wanted to stop in and say, "Hi!"

Thanks for reading my blog; I really enjoyed reading over yours today!
